Library News for the Faculty of Communication and Culture

Monday, February 06, 2006

In-house Librarians

What better way to introduce this service than to quote the Dean.

"I'm happy to announce a pilot project that, in combination with the appointment of Carol Neuman as Research Co-ordinator, is designed to offer additional support for your teaching and research activities.

Starting Monday 6 February, our intrepid Librarians (Chris Thomas, Communications Division, and Shauna Rutherford, Culture Division) will be holding office hours right in our Faculty. They will be in SS 307 during the following times:M 1:30 - 3:30T 9 - 11W 1:30 - 3:30R 9 - 11.

If you need help finding information, ordering the information materials you need, advice on using IR in your classes, or you are just tired of chatting with me and Mimi and need new blood on the third floor, Chris and Shauna are there to help. They have multiple talents!
Best wishes, Kath."


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