New Legal Literature Database now available
Index to foreign legal periodicals
The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals, produced by The American
Association of Law Libraries, provides access to legal literature
worldwide, covering all forms of foreign (non-Anglo-American) law. This
includes comparative law and legal systems, such as Islamic law;
socialist law; public and private international law; and transnational
commercial law. The data is not limited by country of publication, but
rather type of publication. Thus, while publications concerning British
and American law are not included, British and American publications
concerning foreign law are included. Coverage begins with 1985.
The Index to Foreign Legal Periodicals, produced by The American
Association of Law Libraries, provides access to legal literature
worldwide, covering all forms of foreign (non-Anglo-American) law. This
includes comparative law and legal systems, such as Islamic law;
socialist law; public and private international law; and transnational
commercial law. The data is not limited by country of publication, but
rather type of publication. Thus, while publications concerning British
and American law are not included, British and American publications
concerning foreign law are included. Coverage begins with 1985.