Sage E-journals
Just a reminder that the U of C has access to the SAGE Full-Text Collection: Communication Studies. I have listed the titles below. SAGE has just added the new journal, Global Media and Communication. These journals can be accessed in a number of different ways.
- Do a search on the journal title in the library catalogue; or
- Do a search by journal name in Communication Abstracts.
- Communication Research/, 1982-current
- Discourse & Society/, 1990-current
- Discourse Studies/, 1999-current
- European Journal of CommunicationGazette/, 1997-current
- Global Media and Communication/, 2005-current
- Harvard International Journal of Press/Politics/,1996-current
- Journal of Business and Technical Communication/,1991-current
- Journal of Communication Inquiry/,1998-current
- Journalism/, 2000-current
- Management Communication Quarterly/, 1987-current
- Media, Culture & Society/, 1985-current
- New Media & Society/, 1999-current
- Science Communication/, 1982-current
- Television & New Media/, 2000-current
- Visual Communication/, 2002-current
- Written Communication/, 1984-current